Monday, October 18, 2010


Hey Guys... sorry I've been MIA... between post season, students, and birthday celebrations I've been having a ball and no one has rubbed me the wrong way...but I thought it was time for a special edition *YAY*

Cliff Lee  has a fucking 6-0 playoff record and lets not even mention his ERA of 1.44... basically if you divide AJ Burnett's ERA by like 4 you would get Lee's. UGH. LET ME NOT EVEN GET STARTED WITH THAT FUCKER. I MEAN CANT WE JUST MAKE A TRADE ... LIKE ... RIGHT.. NOW? One fucktard/hillbilly/white-trash-"pitcher"-wannabe-from-arkansas for an ACTUAL pitcher from that same fail state? yes. k. thnx.

i need this to happen...
hope you've enjoyed this equation. Also, I hope no one gets offended by the pieta...i'm kinda catholic... so i'm allowed right? whatever...

GO YANKEESS!!!!!!!!!

ps. look forward to the next special edition entry.... #JIAM... because JUMP IN A MINE has become the new DIAF.

much love to my bitches and hoes.
