Wednesday, December 22, 2010

35. X-mas Special

I need these "celebrities"/artists and/or overall idiots to stop writing books or they need to DIAF. Who the fuck said it was ok to let everyone/anyone publish a book? No. Nein. FUCK YOU. And not to mention the fact that people actually buy these books... um. yeah. no. Is this a result of fanaticism? I mean, I love my trashy tv and well, I was Snooki for halloween, but will I go and buy "A shore Thing" or "Here's the Situation: A Guide to Creeping on Chicks, Avoiding Grenades, and Getting in Your GTL on the Jersey Shore" or "A Beiber Story", ok maybe thats not the title of his book, but I don't really feel like googling it. Anyway, just do everyone a favor and not buy any of these books. [go to barnes and noble and read them, like I'm most likely going to do with the idiotic Danielle Staub's book. That stupid cunt does not need $ so she can go produce another single with her lesbian dj lover/friend.] If Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451's world ever does come true, it will be a result of these fuckers writing shit. IWOULDN'TMINDBURNINGTHESEBOOKS...and then their authors can DIAF along with their creations. KBYE. 
