Thursday, March 24, 2011

36. C-notso-BREEEZY

I'm so sorry to all my dear fans for not updating this in a while. I really wanted to have a legit and very concrete diaf candidate and lo and behold, Chris Brown did it again. We all know you're a douche-gf-beater and the entire world has also seen your cock [] now you get angry and cause a scene at good morning america because you're asked about the shit YOU've caused. Oh, but wait, nice little eloquent speech you gave on 106&park:
 "First of all I want to apologize to anybody who was startled in the office, anybody who was offended or really looked disappointed at my actions because I was really disappointed in my actions. A lot of people don't know what went down...We was suppose to perform, the talking points were positivity, creative, and everything that was sent to me, everything was about the album. So as the interview proceeded it was thrown off, i was kind of thrown off by it. I felt like they told us this so that they can just get us on the show just to exploit me. That's what I thought. And so I took it very, very hard. I kind of kept my composure throughout the whole interview although you can see me upset. I kept my composure and did my performance and when I got back I let off steam in the back. I didn't physically hurt anyone I didn't try to hurt anyone. I just wanted to release the anger I had inside me cause I felt like I worked so hard for this music. And I love my fans and I love to be able to make positive music that I felt like people kept, just trying to take it away from me, take away from me. So yes, I got very emotional and I apologize for acting like that." []

WOOOOOPPPPPPPDiiiiiDOooooO. You're so lame. SO SO LAME. How about you admit you have some anger issues? " i got very emotional" ok. right. I'm going to rip my shirt off and show off my ugly asssss tattoos and get in ppls faces because i got "emotional". No one is trying to exploit you. Since you're in the public eye reporters are obviously going to ask about your past, because the repercussions are still being dealt with. Stop acting out in public like that. Go get some anger management... idk.. fucking talk to Dr. Drew or something...maybe he can enlighten you.

also i would sentence you to DIAF just based on your hideous hair. maybe your hair stylist should join u too.