Thursday, July 26, 2012

38. DKR Killer + Homewrecker

Hello, all.

I decided to emerge from my longest hiatus, because let's face it, there has been news of two prime candidates for my blog. One is definitely more news worthy than the other, but they both equally deserve to die in a fire.

One week ago, all I could think about was watching the midnight showing of the Dark Knight Rises. Now, a week later, I can't believe I'm writing about a nobody named James Holmes, instead of someone like Mitt Romney (who should've died in a fire in the 80's when he drove with that poor dog on top of his car for 12 hours). I, personally, think that when a serious crime is committed, time in jail is a much better sentence than the death penalty, but for James Holmes... I WISH HE COULD DIAF. I think that someone like that should not be able to walk on this earth and breathe my precious (carbon monoxide-filled) air. I know that he studied neuroscience, so of course he has to be crazy in some way, but someone who is capable of shooting innocent people in a movie theater and putting all the tenants of an entire building in danger by bobby trapping his apartment deserves to burn in hell. I think this picture says it all.

Now, I guess its time to address this weeks scandal. I have received texts saying "Sooooo I'm not familiar with Twilight, but this scandal is giving me SO MUCH life!!!", "OMG CAN YOU BELIEVE HER!" and "I used to tolerate her because of Rob, now she can suck a dick" Now, for the Twilight fans, such as myself, this is much more than a break up. Ok, fine it's really not, I'm not crying over this shit like this girl ----> , but honestly if the movie was coming out this month, i would totally boycott. KRISTEN STEWART IS A FUCKING HOMEWRECKING WEIRDO SLUT WHO NEEDS TO DIAF. She was so lucky to land the character of Bella. Ok, fine, the cast isn't AMAZING, but everyone else at least acts better than Kristen. I hope everyone in hollywood remembers this and never gives her another role...ever...again. My strong opinion may or may not have to do with the fact that I LOVE ROB PATTINSON...but either way, I just hope he does not forgive her cheating ass and maybe Summit can change the ending of the final movie so that the Volturi decides to kill off Kristen.... i mean Bella. UGH. She disgusts me. THE. END.

P.S. Does she only own wife beaters? She looks so fucking dirty... i'm sure she barely showers. GROSS. Also...this director guy should join that fire that Kristen needs to die in. YOUR WIFE OF TWO CHILDREN IS A MODEL. WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?




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