Thursday, September 2, 2010


Last night Andy Roddick's match literally left me in such a depressed state that I had to turn off my phone, sign off aim, grab another beer from the fridge and watch reality TV until I could finally fall asleep. You may ask yourself, "How does this even differ from your nightly activities?" Ok, fine. I find myself doing most of those things on a nightly basis anyway, but I was too sad to even write about the dipshit named after a NYC borough. Half of the time Brooklyn's face was captured by the cameras, she either looked like she was about to take a shit, or she looked as bored as I would look if I were watching golf. YOUR FUCKING HUSBAND WAS PLAYING IN THE SECOND ROUND OF THE US OPEN, YOU FUCKING CUNT BAG!

I digress, and will now address Andy's fucking rant about the foot fault. Did he need to calm down? Yes he did, because in the end it WAS a foot fault. Now, granted that the lines judge woman heffer was correct about the foot fault, Andy's temper/rant/ comment  "Call 1-800 Rent-a-Ref" was slightly unwarranted [but made me love him even more than I did before, which I thought was nearly impossible], he did have a point, because that dumbass ref should have corrected herself and said it was the other foot, because the way Roddick serves does not allow him to make the infraction with the foot she was attesting to.

It was a very long and sad night for me, but I have faith that Roddick will return to the US OPEN and redeem himself, because I know he still can win it here in NYC. Maybe next year he'll be welcomed with open arms by Queens, after the loser Brooklyn "deck-her" DIAF!

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