Thursday, September 9, 2010

23. John McEn-IDIOT

John McEnroe, also known as Johnny Mac, was really one of the greats during the 80's. He won his fair share of Grand slam titles both as a singles player and a doubles player. I'm not writing this entry to criticize his tennis skills at all, but just because you were once a great master of a particular sport does not mean you can automatically be a great commentator; ie. JOHN McEN-IDIOT

Now, if you're an avid tennis fan, like myself, you must have heard Mr. Johnny MacIdiot commentating on various matches during the US Open, and if you haven't... then you're actually in luck. After hearing some of his comments a dear friend was threatening to inject her own ears with sodium pentathol.  First of all I will use quotation marks, but it may not state shit word for word, but trust me you will get the gist of what McIdiot and some of the other commentators say.

After Youzhny broke Isners serve [John Isner has a ridiculous serve, he's among the leaders in aces/fastest serves etc] J-Mac said, "i hate to say this, but u know what i think? Mono might be contagious... maybe Isner's feeling under the weather because of Roddick". I mean who the fuck says that? Like andy would ever like kiss isner. [ok, i know its not JUST transmitted that way, but still... like WTF] GAH. Another comment made: "we are witnessing two attractive players and a handsome fight here at arthur ashe court" ARE WE WATCHING PORN OR A CAGE BRAWL? i don't get it. And who compares tennis players to baseball players? "pitcher-batter duels... Rafa at second base, Serena at 3rd base, batting cleanup" Was John trying to fucking make a steroid-related joke about Serena? [ha... i mean Serena + steroids = a-rod-esque] UM BUT NO!!!!!!!!!!! I love the idiotic "seagull references"... are you scratching your head? Because I definitely was too... half of the time I'd rather have the matches on mute. WHAT GUYS MAKE COMMENTS LIKE THESE: " LOOK AT HOW MUSCULAR HIS LEGS ARE. THEY HAVE NO HAIR ON THEM..." I DONT UNDERSTAND WHAT HAVING HAIR OR NOT HAVING HAIR ON HIS LEGS SHAS TO DO WITH TENNIS AT ALL WATSOVER. Ok... i'm done. IDIOTS/DOUCHES SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO BE COMMENTATORS.  


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