Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Why are people so damn nosey? This can apply to many people, but I'm going to talk about my nosey ass neighbors. They are always trying to see who's coming into my house, or why I'm outside tanning, or who my dad is talking too in the backyard... OBVIOUSLY my dad responds to my " ew... why are they so nosey all the time" [after they ask my dad who he was talking to... because they couldn't understand since they were speaking spanish] "its good have neighbors that care and look out for when no one home" First of all... my dad needs to fucking learn english, and second of all WHY THE FUCK DID MY NEIGHBORS KNOW THAT MY DAD WAS SPEAKING IN SPANISH UNLESS THEY HAD BEEN LISTENING INTENTLY... umm.... JESUS GO GET A MOTHERFUCKING LIFE. I know that people in general are nosey and love gossip and shit, but please... if someone doesn't tell you something maybe its because that person doesn't want you to know. Stop trying to ask. DIAF.

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