Thursday, August 12, 2010

13. George DUBBBYAAAA Bush

Eventhough I harbor a lot of hatred towards our ex president Mr. George "nucular" Bush, I want to let someone else express themselves via my blog: 
Last night, I was watching the best team of all time take on a team that was once owned by the King of Failure, George W. Bush. Not only did I have to suffer through seeing perhaps my least favorite state (we should’ve just let them secede when we had the chance), I also had to see GEORGE W., Satan himself, sitting in the front row with that douchebag smile on his face. Although I hate a lot of people—Jonathan Papelbon, Sarah Palin, Levi Johnston, the new Yankee who hit A-rod in the leg, Justin Bieber, Kanye West, Princesa Cristiano Ronaldo—there is no one that incites rage from me like Georgie (or Shrub, as I have affectionately named him) does.
I used to be afraid to say, “I hope GWB DIAF.” This was primarily because I was scared that if this transpired, Darth Vader (AKA Dick Cheney) would become president and my minority ass would be deported to Canada. But now that we have Barack in the White House, I just have to say GEORGE W. BUSH I HOPE YOU DIAF. If I ever become rich, I will pay some engineer to make me a time machine and I will travel back in time and cockblock George Sr. and Barbara so they can never create you.
- Dr, B, Waldorf

Sorry georgie, Cliff Lee unfortunately was pushed over the cliff by his whole team, after pitching great [11 strikeouts] and having a commanding lead. #BULLPENFAIL. TOO BAD. 



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