Tuesday, August 10, 2010

6-10. [my very ADD entry]

After a very fun weekend I didn't really want to taint it with hate... but hey, there are always stupid people who need to be removed from the world, or at least from my vicinity.

Here are some people I would like to add to the DIAF list, because they wronged my loved ones:

6. If you work at Mc.D's you should be able to remember to give a drive thru customer a happy meal in it's entirety, aka along with the happy meal toy. My friend SB has every right to get his happy meal toy because  A) He paid for it and B) because he has to deal with his other half. SO... LADY AT THE DRIVE THRU MC.D's... DIAF! 

7. Slavery went out of style a LONG ass time ago, so please whether you are white, hispan, brown, yellow... whatever the fuck you are... if you're a slaveowner.... DIAF. Learn to do shit for yourself.

8. I'm sure everyone has come across someone who wreaks. I would like to let the world know that its not cool to not shower. We are not in a country where it is difficult to get access to water. I'm also sure that in most poverty stricken nations people bathe, even if it is in a fucking bank or a river. How can one not shower after stepping foot into a subway, touching hand bars/poles, working all day, sitting on restaurant chairs, and just exposing your body to toxins in the city air [i mostly mean nyc air, but w/e]? Showering in perfume is not acceptable. DIAF.

After a 4 game series against the Redsux, how could I not write about them? The Yankees had a decent series, since they came out winning two, but so did the Redsux. Do I want the whole Redsux team to DIAF... ABSO-fucking-LUTELY, but if I had to choose three I would choose PAPELBITCH, BIG RETARDI and SYPHYLIS[this is my nickname for youkilis, but since he's on the disabled list, I'll leave his ugly ass beard alone... aka I won't make a photoshopped picture of him this time]. 

9. JONATHON PAPELBON aka PAPELBITCH... he is the devil. Why do I hate him? Because just like the rest of the redsux team he is a masshole and I mean... come on... his nickname is "Pap"... LIKE REALLY? Oh wait... here are two other nicknames... "Nasty P" and "cinco ocho" ...? UM.... He's probably really a fucking bitch who goes and gets a pap smear done everytime he takes it up the ass from youkilis, aka syphylis. wateveR... he struck out a handful of guys in game 1 and 4, and maybe thats why I'm so goddamn bitter... BUT AT LEAST MY NICKNAME AIN'T PAP... GO DIAF.
Oh... and on top of everything... papelbitch's dog ate "BOSS" apparently chewed up the ball that recorded the final out of the 2007 World Series.... EVEN HIS FUCKING DOG THINKS HE'S A FUCKING LOSER. GG.

10. DAVID ORTIZ aka BIG PAPI... more like BIG RETARDI 
I REALLY HATE THIS MAN. I wish that MASSHOLES aka BOSTON REDSUX FANS would stfu about A-ROD's steroid use... because... oh.. wait... was big retardi trying to get a witttle bit bigggerr... YES. GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK. Big Retardi's career is basically as tarnished as A-rod's 600 [well 601 as of now] homeruns are. GO CHOKE ON A DICK AND DIAF. 

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